Additional Activities

In partnership with GoMo health we have created different activities that you can do to connect with and enhance your baby’s development during your pregnancy! These activities are in addition to the videos and activities found on the GoMo Health Website:

Below is a list of extra activities that you can do for bonding, relaxation, and fun with your baby, family, and friends.

Week 12 to 38

Mom Time Relaxation:

1. Put on headphones

2. Turn on music

3. Find a comfortable position to sit or lay down

4. Breathe with flow and rhythm of the music

Week 18

Family Bonding Time:

1. Place speakers an arms length away from your tummy

2. Turn on favorite meaningful music

3. Find a comfortable position to sit or lay down together

4. Take turns reading books, lyrics to songs and talking to baby

Week 32

Move to Music:

1. Place speakers an arms length away

2. Turn on favorite slow dance music

3. Rock, sway, and stretch to the music

4. Breathe and sing with the flow of the music